Sunday, June 26, 2011


My family attended the baptism of a relative today.

The priest was invitational, calm and very open to the families baptizing their children.

He did not mind the noise made by the children nor by the families in attendance while he was anointing the beautiful children.

As a Catholic educator, it was a refreshing sight to behold. 

The most poignant part of the liturgy was his homily.  The priest related the watering of the plants that were before him on the alter to what we should do as Catholics in nurturing our children's faith. 

He pointed out that we should be careful not to water the plants too much that they become saturated.  In the same vein, he cautioned the audience not to bring their children to every mass on the church schedule as they would become saturated and stray.  Conversely, not watering the plants enough would result in wilting or a disinterest in our faith.

An excellent point that life is a careful medley of checks and balances and the pursuit of our faith should be part of this process for it to grow in a healthy manner.

Thanks for reading.  Looking forward to your comments.

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