We do make a difference!
Monday, February 28, 2011 is Educational Assistant Appreciation Day. The theme of the day is cited above.
We have ten wonderful Educational Assistants (EAs). These "unsung" heroes are deployed through our Department Head of Special Education. Educational practice cites that EAs are assigned to the needs of our developmentally delayed students first and foremost in conjunction with teaching staff. That said, there are many occasions where our EAs are working with other at risk students within the classrooms of our school in association with our teachers.
What does an EA do with these students?
They care for them physically, psychologically, emotionally and academically. Our EAs do this through love, compassion, care and dignity. EAs coach, are members of our Catholic School Council and have a voice in the direction of the needs of our special education students.
In short...they "do make a difference" in the lives of our most exceptional students in the school. Their contributions to our Catholic Learning Community are invaluable.
On behalf of the staff, support staff, students and parents of Christ the King Catholic Secondary School, I would like to extend a sincere thank you to our Educational Assistants for all of the work that you do in relative anonymity.